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Biden Is Angry and Frustrated With Netanyahu. But He Has Realistic Options to Change Course – Middle East News –


Haaretz | Middle East News

Analysis |

The U.S. president has so far resisted calls to pivot from unequivocal support for Israel’s war in Gaza, now in its third month. Netanyahu’s endless self-interest and obstinacy will make him the loser when Biden acts

Alon Pinkas

Jan 15, 2024 7:46 pm IST

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Jan 15, 2024 7:46 pm IST

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There are two major Mideast issues currently preoccupying Washington: The obstinacy exhibited by Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, which has bred annoyance and resentment across the ocean, and the specter of a broader regional conflagration involving the U.S., which would amount to a distraction. The two are entwined, but deserve separate attention.

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