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As Gantz and Gallant Defy Netanyahu, It’s Not Just the Far-right That Holds Power Over the PM – Israel News –


Haaretz | Israel News

Analysis |

Gantz’s rogue visit to the White House and Gallant’s strong-arm on a draft bill veto offer a new chapter in cabinet members’ mutiny against Netanyahu. Due to the emergency ‘unity’ gov’t, the PM’s far-right allies are not the only ones who can collapse the coalition

Anshel Pfeffer

Mar 4, 2024

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Mar 4, 2024

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There was something of the air of a freedom-fighting dissident in Benny Gantz arriving on Monday afternoon at the White House for a series of meetings with senior administration officials including Vice President Kamala Harris and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan to discuss Israel’s strategy in Gaza. Gantz arrived on his own, emerging from a lone vehicle, without an entourage and in defiance of the leader of his country back home.

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