Russia News

Putin praises North Korea’s ‘firm support’ for war ahead of Pyongyang visit – as it happened – The Guardian

Putin praises North Korea’s ‘firm support’ for war ahead of Pyongyang visit – as it happened  The Guardian

Russia - Ukraine war

Putin praises North Korea’s ‘firm support’ for war ahead of Pyongyang visit – as it happened – The Guardian

Putin praises North Korea’s ‘firm support’ for war ahead of Pyongyang visit – as it happened  The Guardian

Russia News

Новости валютного рынка от Центробанка РФ: торги доллара, юаня и евро 20 июня


Согласно официальной информации на сайте Центробанка РФ (ЦБ РФ), сегодня, 20 июня, курс доллара к рублю снизился до 82,6282 руб. (- 4,4072), евро также подешевел — до 89,0914 руб. (- 4,2080).

Russia News

Запрещенная торговля в ростовском СИЗО-1: отстранен от работы начальник Заболотнев


Врио начальника ростовского СИЗО-1 Романа Заболотнева отстранили от работы на время следствия после инцидента с захватом террористами в заложники трех сотрудников ФСИН, сообщил телеграм-канал Shot со ссылкой на источники.

Russia News

Насралла: Израилю грозит война «без ограничений, правил и пределов»


Глава «Хезболлы» Хасан Насралла выступил накануне с суровым предупреждением в адрес Израиля, пригрозив войной «без ограничений, правил и пределов» в случае крупного израильского наступления на Ливан, сообщил катарский канал «Аль-Джазира».

Russia News

Opinion: Avoiding War with Russia over Ukraine Invasion May no Longer Be an Option – Kyiv Post

Opinion: Avoiding War with Russia over Ukraine Invasion May no Longer Be an Option  Kyiv Post

Russia - Ukraine war

Europe’s progressives must reclaim ‘security’ and ‘freedom’ from the populist right – here’s how

People fear threats from terrorism, climate crisis and disruptive technology. By working together, we can give them hope

We live in uncertain times. Economic shocks, technological changes, pandemics, the climate emergency and conflict after conflict have combined to create a widespread mood of insecurity.

This might seem to be the natural realm of the political right: a politics oriented around the protection of the status quo and rooted in the appeal of hierarchy and tradition. In recent years we have seen how it can fuel the populist right in particular, with its politics of stratification, coercion and isolation. The European parliament elections and the prospect of a far-right prime minister in France are just the latest demonstration of the appeal of “build the wall” messaging in an age of insecurity.

Florian Ranft is a member of the management board at Das Progressive Zentrum, a thinktank, which is hosting the Progressive Governance Summit in Berlin, 21-22 June. The summit’s keynote event is Freedom, Peace and Progress in Europe, a conversation between the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, and the Albanian-British academic Lea Ypi, chaired by the Guardian’s editor in chief Katharine Viner. It will be free to view from 1500 CET on Friday 21 June, via live stream at the web link above.

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Garvan Walshe: For Ukraine, peace talks won’t work until Putin feels much more vulnerable – ConservativeHome

Garvan Walshe: For Ukraine, peace talks won’t work until Putin feels much more vulnerable  ConservativeHome

Russia - Ukraine war

Russia Ukraine War Scorched Earth – Post Register

Russia Ukraine War Scorched Earth  Post Register

Russia - Ukraine war

Russia Ukraine War Scorched Earth – Goshen News

Russia Ukraine War Scorched Earth  Goshen News