Russia - Ukraine war

Viacheslav Zakhovailo: “I am almost 100% sure that in a year or two Ponomarenko will be the most expensive player in … – Динамо Киев от Шурика

Viacheslav Zakhovailo: “I am almost 100% sure that in a year or two Ponomarenko will be the most expensive player in …  Динамо Киев от Шурика

Russia News

Blinken says ‘stakes couldn’t be higher’ in Ukraine as NATO ministers attend Prague meeting – Olean Times Herald

Blinken says ‘stakes couldn’t be higher’ in Ukraine as NATO ministers attend Prague meeting  Olean Times Herald

Russia - Ukraine war

Blinken says ‘stakes couldn’t be higher’ in Ukraine as NATO ministers attend Prague meeting – Olean Times Herald

Blinken says ‘stakes couldn’t be higher’ in Ukraine as NATO ministers attend Prague meeting  Olean Times Herald

Russia - Ukraine war

Seoul defense chief accuses Russia of using North Korean weapons in Ukraine attack – The Korea Herald

Seoul defense chief accuses Russia of using North Korean weapons in Ukraine attack  The Korea Herald

Russia - Ukraine war

In Odesa region, a deputy demanded 450 thousand dollars for renting land: NABU reported the completion of the investigation – Антикор

In Odesa region, a deputy demanded 450 thousand dollars for renting land: NABU reported the completion of the investigation  Антикор

Russia News

Двух сотрудника «Крокуса» подозревают в причастности к гибели людей — СМИ


Два сотрудника концертного зала «Крокус Сити Холла» стали фигурантами уголовного дела, которое было возбуждено Следственным комитетом России.

Russia News

Hitting Russia where it hurts: Ukraine tightens the noose around Crimea – POLITICO Europe

Hitting Russia where it hurts: Ukraine tightens the noose around Crimea  POLITICO Europe

Russia News

Артиллеристы накрыли под Харьковом место, где ВСУ заряжали «Грады»

Зарядка боевой машины производилась в тыловой зоне.

Russia News

Удары нанесены по энергообъектам в трех областях Украины

Последствия ударов устанавливаются.

Russia News

U.S. lifts ban for Ukraine on striking targets within Russia – InsideNoVa

U.S. lifts ban for Ukraine on striking targets within Russia  InsideNoVa