Russia News

Столичные школьники с высокими баллами пришли пересдавать ЕГЭ

Многие столичные школьники пришли на пересдачу ЕГЭ, хоть и так получили за сданные экзамены высокие баллы.

Russia News

Киевский горсовет проголосовал за снос памятника Ковпаку

Информации о планируемых сроках сноса бюста нет.

Russia News

Мэр Орска, сильно пострадавшего весной от паводка, ушёл в отставку

Об этом сообщила оренбургская администрация

Russia - Ukraine war

Latvia to send thousands more drones to Ukraine –

Latvia to send thousands more drones to Ukraine

Russia News

Лейбористы одержали победу на парламентских выборах в Великобритании

Лидер партии Кир Стармер станет премьер-министром страны

Russia - Ukraine war

Ukraine’s president Zelensky congratulates Keir Starmer & thanks Rishi Sunak as world reacts to general e… – The Sun

Ukraine’s president Zelensky congratulates Keir Starmer & thanks Rishi Sunak as world reacts to general e…  The Sun

Russia News

UK’s NCA Seeks to Seize Petr Aven’s Frozen $1 million

The UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA) has applied for a seizure order to permanently confiscate £1.1 million ($1 million) from Russian Oligarch Petr Aven, who Britain accuses of supporting the Russian government during the Ukraine war.

British Crime Agency NCA Targets Oligarch’s Millions

This money has been frozen since Aven was sanctioned by the UK in 2022. The NCA now claims it has sufficient evidence to show these funds originated from criminal activities, specifically alleging they were moved to evade sanctions.

Stuart Hadley, an NCA spokesman, explained, “The legislation does not permit the loss of sanctioned assets solely due to sanctions. Seizure requires a link to criminal activity.”

Helen Taylor, a senior legal researcher at Spotlight on Corruption, stated that the NCA’s move to transition from temporary freezing to permanent seizure of assets is unprecedented in the UK. “This is the first attempt by UK authorities to confiscate cash suspected of being moved in breach of Russia sanctions,” she said.

Aven’s lawyer, Thomas Cattee, declined to comment on the NCA’s application, citing ongoing litigation. Aven, who also faces sanctions from the US and EU for his alleged close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, achieved a partial victory in April when the EU Court of Justice found insufficient evidence to keep him on the sanctions list. However, the sanctions remain, and Latvia has appealed the ruling.

The UK announced its sanctions against Aven in March 2022, shortly after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The NCA subsequently investigated Aven’s UK business and property interests, focusing on his representative, Stephen Gater, and his wife, Ekaterina Kozina.

In May 2022, a judge granted the Agency’s request to freeze £1.5 million, suspecting the money belonged to Aven but was held by Gater and related companies. The NCA now seeks to seize most of this money, suspecting Gater and Kozina of making transactions intended to breach UK sanctions rules.

The mystery behind the suspicious deaths of Russian Billionaire | Russian Oligarchs

Hickman & Rose, the law firm representing Gater, declined to comment.

Taylor from Spotlight on Corruption noted that while £1.1 million is a small amount for Aven, the NCA’s determination sends a crucial message that sanctions cannot be bypassed without consequences.

Russia News

Hungary’s Orban says in no position to negotiate between Ukraine and Russia – Reuters

Hungary’s Orban says in no position to negotiate between Ukraine and Russia  Reuters

Russia News

ЕС снова требует от Белоруссии освободить всех «политзаключенных»


В Европейском союзе приняли к сведению новость об освобождении ряда «политзаключенных» в Белоруссии. Об этом 4 июля сообщили в дипломатической службе ЕС.

Russia News

Перемены без перемен: Reuters объясняет задачи нового премьера Британии


Новый премьер-министр Великобритании Кир Стармер пообещал сосредоточиться на переменах и долгосрочном росте страны, однако в первые несколько месяцев руководства его ожидают «сложные задачи», перешедшие по наследству от консерваторов.