Russia - Ukraine war

@sirmarz1985: RT by @mikenov: @LauraLoomer @BlackRock I’m seeing Matthew Crooks is NOT the shooter. His name is Maxwell something. He’s had run in with police before at anti Trump rallies.

I’m seeing Matthew Crooks is NOT the shooter.

His name is Maxwell something. He’s had run in with police before at anti Trump rallies.

— Sir Marz🇺🇸🫠 (@sirmarz1985) July 14, 2024

Russia - Ukraine war

@mrehfeld: RT by @mikenov: @bennyjohnson Do any actual American Citizens believe the #FBI will find all involved and release that information? The same #FBI that fabricated the Russia Hoax, hide the Biden Laptop for years, raided Mar-a-logo? What happens if they don’t scrub all information about Federal involvement?

Do any actual American Citizens believe the #FBI will find all involved and release that information? The same #FBI that fabricated the Russia Hoax, hide the Biden Laptop for years, raided Mar-a-logo? What happens if they don’t scrub all information about Federal involvement?

— Mike Rehfeld (@mrehfeld) July 14, 2024

Russia - Ukraine war

@Amin15312754: RT by @mikenov: Congress will impeach Joe Biden if Trump’s failed assassination is proven to be the work of the Democratic Party. The Democrats made false accusations against #Trump2024 and wanted to assassinate him at the height of their helplessness. #Trump2024ToSaveAmerica #TrumpRally #FBI

Congress will impeach Joe Biden if Trump’s failed assassination is proven to be the work of the Democratic Party. The Democrats made false accusations against #Trump2024 and wanted to assassinate him at the height of their helplessness. #TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica#TrumpRally#FBI

— mohammad.amin1382 (@Amin15312754) July 14, 2024

Russia - Ukraine war

@krakrmike: RT by @mikenov: @LauraLoomer @BlackRock It’s not Crooks. But it’s not the newest dude, Maxwell Yearicks, either. He has big gages & the ‘scar’ ppl are talking about is cast-off. Until we see the top of the ear…. Seems like alot of ppl are being mislead intentionally. Whole Lotta 1963 vibes going on

@LauraLoomer @BlackRock It’s not Crooks. But it’s not the newest dude, Maxwell Yearicks, either. He has big gages & the ‘scar’ ppl are talking about is cast-off. Until we see the top of the ear…. Seems like alot of ppl are being mislead intentionally. Whole Lotta 1963 vibes going on

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov:… Questions about the identity of the shooter #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: Trump and Crooks at Butler Farm Show, Pa

Russia News

Что известно о подозреваемом в покушении на Дональда Трампа

ФБР назвало имя человека, которого подозревают в покушении на бывшего президента США – согласно данным следствия, стрельбу в Пенсильвании открыл 20-летний Томас Мэтью Крукс

Russia - Ukraine war

Jens Stoltenberg given highest US civilian honour for NATO leadership – Yahoo! Voices

Jens Stoltenberg given highest US civilian honour for NATO leadership  Yahoo! Voices

Russia News

За замер, а побежал: реакция Трампа во время стрельбы дана ему дополнительные очки


Люди по всему миру обсуждают в соцсетях возможное покушение на кандидата в президенты США Дональда Трампа, который получил ранение с правой стороны головы в результате стрельбы. Но реакция политика-республиканца во время происшествия явно дала ему новые очки среди избирателей и комментаторов из других стран.

Russia News

@WolfofNewYork: RT by @mikenov: @bennyjohnson No one trusts the #FBI anymore. We fully expect them to cover up important facts.

No one trusts the #FBI anymore. We fully expect them to cover up important facts.

— Wᴏʟғ ᴏғ Nᴇᴡ Yᴏʀᴋ (@WolfofNewYork) July 14, 2024