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@thehill: Senator Chris Coons says President Biden is “weighing” who will be best to defeat former President Trump

Senator Chris Coons says President Biden is “weighing” who will be best to defeat former President Trump

— The Hill (@thehill) July 20, 2024

Russia - Ukraine war

‘Neutral’ Russia Olympic athletes cheered on Ukraine war: rights group – Business Insider

‘Neutral’ Russia Olympic athletes cheered on Ukraine war: rights group  Business Insider

Russia - Ukraine war

Russia Jails US Reporter Gershkovich for 16 Years on Espionage Charges – Kyiv Post

Russia Jails US Reporter Gershkovich for 16 Years on Espionage Charges  Kyiv Post

Russia - Ukraine war

European divisions risk incoherent response to any second Trump term

Optimists say administration would be open to persuasion while sceptics say it is beyond time to Trump-proof Europe

To be a foreign diplomat serving in the US, charged with interpreting the country’s politics so it appears predictable and explicable to your political masters in Europe, is currently no easy job.

In a week where Donald Trump purported to address the nation as a self-aware, reflective and thoughtful Christian, before reverting to type with a slew of diatribes, and where he announced a vice-presidential pick who has openly stated he does not care about the future of Ukraine one way or the other, events have moved at a pace that even the most tapped-in of ambassadors and their staff would struggle to keep up with.

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Russia News

ВС Бангладеш взяли под контроль города после гибели 105 человек в протестах

Правительство страны решило ввести комендантский час и направить ВС на помощь гражданским властям.

Russia News

Аналитик Кюн: ракеты США в ФРГ могут спровоцировать РФ на ответные меры

Эксперт предупредил о возможности развертывания РФ стратегических ракет, нацеленных на континентальную часть США.

Russia News

«Надо им повстречаться в Москве»: Алиев с Пашиняном не увиделись в Лондоне


Ильхам Алиев и Никол Пашинян собирались встретиться 18 июля в Лондоне, но в последний момент переговоры отменили. Стороны обвинили в случившемся друг друга. В целом согласование мирного договора между Баку и Ереваном идет тяжело…

Russia - Ukraine war

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky condemns ‘heinous assassination attempt’ on Donald Trump – Hindustan Times

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky condemns ‘heinous assassination attempt’ on Donald Trump  Hindustan Times

Russia - Ukraine war

Zelensky, Trump agree personal meeting to discuss Ukraine war – baha news

Zelensky, Trump agree personal meeting to discuss Ukraine war  baha news

Russia - Ukraine war

Trump says spoke with Zelensky, pledges to ‘end the war’ – Shelbynews

Trump says spoke with Zelensky, pledges to ‘end the war’  Shelbynews