Russia News

Сергей Собянин назвал социальные объекты, которые откроются в Новой Москве

В этом году отмечается 12 лет с тех пор, как в столице появились Троицкий и Новомосковский округа.

Russia News

Мария Багреева: предприниматели могут арендовать у города 3 спортобъекта

Программа реализуется департаментом экономической политики и развития и департаментом спорта с 2023 года.

Russia News

Маленького мальчика нашли голым на дороге в Приморье

Ребенка доставили в реабилитационный центр.

Russia News

Токаев заявил, что регулярно читает книги на китайском языке


Президент Казахстана Касым-Жомарт Токаев признался, что регулярно читает книги на китайском языке. Об этом он заявил в интервью агентству «Синьхуа».

Russia News

Председатели сменились: Россия, Венгрия и Армения приняли «бразды правления»


Председательство в Совете Безопасности ООН на один месяц сегодня, 1 июля, перешло к России.

Russia News

Меликов призвал депутатов и «экспертов» не заниматься травлей дагестанцев


Прошла неделя с момента терактов в Махачкале и Дербенте, она показала, сколько у Дагестана друзей, а сколько недругов, заявил глава республики Сергей Меликов.

Russia News

Курс турецкой лиры к ведущим мировым валютам: информация на 1 июля, спад или рост


Официальная Анкара всегда очень активна в новостной повестке. Ранее также стало известно, что в Турции растет площадь лесных пожаров.

Russia News

Making bank – Meduza

Making bank  Meduza

Russia News

EU Targets 6 Russian Rail Giant TransContainer, and Oligarch-Linked Firm

The European Union has imposed sanctions on 6 Russian individuals and entities in response to Moscow’s aggression against Ukraine, as reported by the Official Journal of the EU. Among those sanctioned is TransContainer, one of Russia’s largest rail container operators. Last year, the company’s revenues increased due to Belarusian cargo transported through northwestern Russian ports. Additionally, TransContainer operates a new terminal in the special economic zone Alabuga, linked to the supply of UAVs used by Russia in attacks on Ukraine. The company is also associated with arms supplies from North Korea and logistical support for military operations in Ukraine.

6 Russian individuals and entities Sanctioned By EU

The EU sanctions list includes Mikhail Konzarev, the CEO of TransContainer. Sanctions were also imposed on the Russian financial company Titul and its head, Dmitry Beloglazov. Additionally, the list includes the companies Iliadis and Rasperia Trading Limited, the latter of which owns shares in the European company Strabag SE, frozen due to Rasperia being controlled by sanctioned Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.

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The following persons and entities are added to the list of natural and legal persons, entities and bodies set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014:


  Name Identifying information Statement of Reasons Date of listing
‘1824. Mikhail Rudolfovich KONTSEREV(Михаил Рудольфович КОНЦЕРЕВ) Function: General Director of PJSC TransContainerDOB: 11.6.1970POB: Leningrad, USSR (now St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)Nationality: RussianGender: maleTaxpayer Identification Number: I781400896256 Mikhail Kontserev is the General Director of Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC) TransContainer. PJSC TransContainer is a Russian transportation company and Russia’s largest railway container operator. PJSC TransContainer revenues increased throughout 2023 and it recorded an increase in transit traffic in the second half of 2023, which was primarily due to the flow of Belarusian cargo through the ports of the north-west of Russia. PJSC TransContainer has also agreed to offer its services at the new terminal of the Alabuga Special Economic Zone (SEZ). The Alabuga SEZ has been cooperating with the Ministry of Defence and Logistics of the Iranian Armed Forces to locate the production site of Shahed loitering munitions (the name of the Russian version is “Geran”). 28.6.2024
      In addition, PJSC TransContainer participates in illegal weapon trade schemes with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in support of the Russian Government. In 2023, shipment containers owned by PJSC TransContainer were spotted en route to Rajin port, DPRK. Containers from PJSC TransContainer were also spotted at Tikhoretsk Ammo Depot, which provides supplies of various types of ammunition to the Russian armed forces. Tikhoretsk Ammo Depot, a strategic storage facility located around 400 kilometres from the border with Ukraine, supports operational munitions storage facilities for the Russian armed forces closer to the Ukraine front.Therefore, Mikhail Kontserev, in his capacity as the General Director of PJSC TransContainer, is supporting materially the Government of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for the annexation of Crimea and the destabilisation of Ukraine.  
1825. Dimitry Aleksandrovich BELOGLAZOV(Дмитрий Александрович БЕЛОГЛАЗОВ) Function: Businessperson, owner of LLC TitulDOB: 18.2.1968Nationality: RussianGender: male Dimitry Beloglazov is the owner of LLC Titul (based in Russia) which established a subsidiary, Joint Stock Company (JSC) Iliadis (based in Russia), to acquire Oleg Deripaska’s share in the International LLC Rasperia Trading Limited (“Rasperia”, based in Russia). Rasperia owns 28,5  million shares in the European company STRABAG SE. Those shares were frozen because Rasperia was controlled by Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska, an individual subject to Union restrictive measures.Oleg Deripaska coordinated a complex evasion scheme with Dimitry Beloglazov to sell the frozen shares of STRABAG. To that end, Beloglazov’s company LLC Titul established a subsidiary, JSC Iliadis, which acquired Deripaska’s share of Rasperia, and thereby also the frozen STRABAG shares. Deripaska received an equivalent economic benefit for the sale of Rasperia. 28.6.2024’;
      Dimitry Beloglazov and the involved companies LLC Titul, JSC Iliadis and Rasperia used this scheme to sell, outside the Union, a non-Union company controlled by a listed person and owning frozen shares of a Union company with the sole purpose to lift the freezing of those shares in the Union, thereby circumventing Union restrictive measures.Therefore, Dimitry Beloglazov is facilitating infringements of the prohibition against circumvention of Regulation (EU) No 269/2014.  


  Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing
‘474. PJSC TransContainer(ПАО Трансконтейнер) Address: 141402, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Khimki, Leningradskaya st., vld. 39Type of entity: Public Joint Stock CompanyPlace of registration: Russian FederationDate of registration: 4.3.2006 PJSC TransContainer is a Russian transportation company and Russia’s largest railway container operator. PJSC TransContainer revenues increased throughout 2023 and it recorded an increase in transit traffic in the second half of 2023, which was primarily due to the flow of Belarusian cargo through the ports of the north-west of Russia. PJSC TransContainer has also agreed to offer its services at the new terminal of the Alabuga Special Economic Zone (SEZ). The Alabuga SEZ has been cooperating with the Ministry of Defence and Logistics of the Iranian Armed Forces to locate the production site of Shahed loitering munitions (the name of the Russian version is “Geran”). 28.6.2024
    Registration number: 1067746341024Principal place of business: Khimki, Russian FederationTaxpayer Identification Number: 7708591995Website: www.trcont.ruTel.: + 7 495 788 17 17Email: In addition, PJSC TransContainer participates in illegal weapon trade schemes with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in support of the Russian Government. In 2023, shipment containers owned by PJSC TransContainer were spotted en route to Rajin port, DPRK. Containers from PJSC TransContainer were also spotted at Tikhoretsk Ammo Depot, which provides supplies of various types of ammunition to the Russian armed forces. Tikhoretsk Ammo Depot, a strategic storage facility located around 400 kilometres from the border with Ukraine, supports operational munitions storage facilities for the Russian armed forces closer to the Ukraine front.PJSC TransContainer is therefore supporting actions which undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, or stability or security in Ukraine, and is furthermore supporting materially the Government of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for the annexation of Crimea and the destabilisation of Ukraine.  
475. LLC TITUL(ООО ТИТУЛ) Address: 123056, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Krasina, 7 str. 2, kom. 3Type of entity: Limited Liability CompanyPlace of registration: Moscow, Russian FederationDate of registration: 23.4.2019Registration number: 1197746281897 LLC Titul is a company based in Russia and owned by Dimitry Beloglazov. Its subsidiary Joint Stock Company (JSC) Iliadis (based in Russia) acquired Oleg Deripaska’s share in the International LLC Rasperia Trading Limited (“Rasperia”, based in Russia). Rasperia owns 28,5  million shares in the European company STRABAG SE. Those shares were frozen because Rasperia was controlled by Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska, an individual subject to Union restrictive measures.The establishment of a subsidiary of LLC Titul was coordinated between Dimitry Beloglazov and Oleg Deripaska to sell the frozen shares of STRABAG. To that end, Beloglazov’s company LLC Titul established a subsidiary, JSC Iliadis, which acquired Deripaska’s share of Rasperia, and thereby also the frozen STRABAG shares. Deripaska received an equivalent economic benefit for the sale of Rasperia. 28.6.2024
      Dimitry Beloglazov and the involved companies LLC Titul, JSC Iliadis and Rasperia used this complex scheme to sell, outside the Union, a non-Union company controlled by a listed person and owning frozen shares of a Union company with the sole purpose to lift the freezing of those shares in the Union, thereby circumventing Union restrictive measures.Therefore, LLC Titul is facilitating infringements of the prohibition against circumvention of Regulation (EU) No 269/2014.  
476. JSC ILIADIS(АО Илиадис) Address: 105120, Russian Federation Moscow, per. 3-i Syromiatnicheskii, 3/9 str. 1Type of entity: Joint Stock CompanyEmail: aoiliadis@rambler.ruPlace of registration: Moscow, Russian FederationDate of registration: 12.7.2023Registration number: 1237700470842 JSC Iliadis is a company based in Russia. It was established as a subsidiary of LLC Titul, a company based in Russia owned by Dimitry Aleksandrovich Beloglazov, and it acquired Oleg Deripaska’s share in the International LLC Rasperia Trading Limited (“Rasperia”, based in Russia). Rasperia owns 28,5  million shares in the European company STRABAG SE. Those shares were frozen because Rasperia was controlled by Oleg Deripaska, an individual subject to Union restrictive measures.The establishment of the subsidiary JSC Iliadis was coordinated between Dimitry Beloglazov and Oleg Deripaska to sell the frozen shares of STRABAG. To that end, Beloglazov’s company LLC Titul established a subsidiary, JSC Iliadis, which acquired Deripaska’s share of Rasperia, and thereby also the frozen STRABAG shares. Deripaska received an equivalent economic benefit for the sale of Rasperia. 28.6.2024
      Dimitry Beloglazov and the involved companies LLC Titul, JSC Iliadis and Rasperia used this complex scheme to sell, outside the Union, a non-Union company controlled by a listed person and owning frozen shares of a Union company with the sole purpose to lift the freezing of those shares in the Union, thereby circumventing Union restrictive measures.Therefore, JSC Iliadis is facilitating infringements of the prohibition against circumvention of Regulation (EU) No 269/2014.  
477. International LLC “Rasperia Trading Limited”(МКАО “Распериа Трейдинг Лимитед”) Address: 236006, Region Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad, Solnechny blvd., 25, premisch. A/60Type of entity: International Limited Liability CompanyDate of registration: 20.5.2019 (registered as a small and medium sized enterprise);10.7.2023 (registered as a small sized enterprise)Registration number: 1193926007153 International LLC Rasperia Trading Limited (“Rasperia”, based in Russia) owns 28,5  million shares in the European company STRABAG SE. Those shares were frozen because Rasperia was controlled by Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska, an individual subject to Union restrictive measures.Oleg Deripaska coordinated a complex evasion scheme with Dimitry Aleksandrovich Beloglazov to sell the frozen shares of STRABAG. To that end, Beloglazov’s company LLC Titul (based in Russia) established a subsidiary, JSC Iliadis (based in Russia), which acquired Deripaska’s share of Rasperia, and thereby also the frozen STRABAG shares. Deripaska received an equivalent economic benefit for the sale of Rasperia. 28.6.2024’.
      Beloglazov and the involved companies LLC Titul, JSC Iliadis and Rasperia used this complex scheme to sell, outside the Union, a non-Union company controlled by a listed person and owning frozen shares of a Union company with the sole purpose to lift the freezing of those shares in the Union, thereby circumventing Union restrictive measures.Therefore, Rasperia is facilitating infringements of the prohibition against circumvention of Regulation (EU) No 269/2014.  


Russia News

Промышленность РФ в июне продемонстрировала устойчивый рост — PMI

МОСКВА, 1 июл (Рейтер) – Российский сектор
обрабатывающей промышленности продемонстрировал в июне уверенный
рост благодаря увеличению объемов производства и новых заказов,
а также благодаря тому, что компании нанимали персонал самыми
быстрыми темпами за всю историю наблюдений, показал опрос S&P