Putin and Putinism

Операция «Доппельгангер» — Википедия

Doppelgänger — «злой двойник») — российская кампания по дезинформации, развёрнутая после российского вторжения в Украину в 2022 году.

Putin and Putinism

What is the Doppelganger operation? List of resources

This page is designed to gather a timeline of the Doppelganger operation with a few elements gathered from different reports.

Russia and Ukraine

Zelensky says Ukraine will hold seized Russia land indefinitely

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Tuesday that Kyiv intends to indefinitely hold the Russian land it seized in its surprise incursion last month. “We don’t need their land. We don’t want …

Putin and Putinism

Операция “Двойник”. За дезинформацией стоит Россия? | Euronews

Четыре человека, включая молдавскую пару, арестованную в начале ноября, подозреваются в нанесении более 250 синих звёзд Давида на дома во французской столице. Эти действия могут подогреть …

Russia and Ukraine

@visegrad24: Former IDF Spokesman and @FDD fellow @jconricus on what Israel must do to stop weapon smuggling from Egypt to Gaza. Looks like it will soon be time to start digging

Russia and Ukraine

ВС РФ нанесли мощный удар по учебному центру ВСУ в Полтаве: главное об СВО к 3 сентября

Российская армия нанесла удар по учебно-тренировочному центру в Полтаве, которые стал самым страшным с начала конфликта….

Russia and Ukraine

@visegrad24: Argentine President Javier Milei has started implementing the no tolerance “Bukele Method” against criminals and prisoners in Santa Fe. From now on, they will fave harsh sentences, isolation and zero access to cell phones as well as TV. 🇦🇷

Russia and Ukraine

Alleged Russian spy whale, ocean celebrity Hvaldimir found dead off Norwegian shore

Hvaldimir the beluga whale, believed to be a Russian spy tool turned oceanic celebrity, was found dead.

Russia and Ukraine

@KyivIndependent: ⚡️Belarus to host ‘migration conference’ in November 2024 with participation of some EU ministers. Belarus plans to host an international conference on combating illegal migration in November 2024, with participation from some European Union ministers, according to Belarusian…

Russia and Ukraine

Ukraine ministers resign ahead of expected government reshuffle

The parliamentary head of the ruling party says half the cabinet will be replaced in a reshuffle this week.