Russia and Ukraine

В деле погибших бойцов Гудвина и Эрнеста нашелся выживший свидетель

Найден один выживший из группы, в составе которой были погибшие во время штурма в зоне спецоперации бойцы с позывными Гудвин и Эрнест, сообщает

Putin and Putinism

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why – CNN

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why  CNN

Putin and Putinism

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why – CNN

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why  CNN

Putin and Putinism

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why – CNN

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why  CNN

Putin and Putinism

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why – CNN

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why  CNN

Putin and Putinism

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why – CNN

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why  CNN

Putin and Putinism

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why – CNN

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why  CNN

Putin and Putinism

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why – CNN

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why  CNN

Putin and Putinism

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why – CNN

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why  CNN

Putin and Putinism

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why – CNN

Video: Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people. Here’s why  CNN