Russia and Ukraine

@MoscowTimes: Nationwide, 10,000 people were evacuated, and 76 died in more than 8,100 fires across Russia last week, according to the Emergency Situations Ministry.…

Russia and Ukraine

Кто виноват в гибели российских военнослужащих “Эрнеста” и “Гудвина”

Russia and Ukraine

Дело “Эрнеста” и “Гудвина”. Российские военные обвинили свое командование в наркоторговле и вскоре после этого погибли на передовой

Российские военнослужащие перед смертью они записали видеообращение, в котором, среди прочего, обвинили свое командование в торговле наркотиками и сообщили, что командование в составе штурмового отряда отправляет их “в один конец” и это, со слов бойцов, – месть

Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: Trump and the Games Mossad plays The Butler Farm Show and Routh (the “Root”!) in the bushes show are very similar: the “Target” Trump unhurt (and was not intended to be hurt), and the big noise was made again about his safety: “Protect our investment”! To me it looks like the…

Russia and Ukraine

@visegrad24: The French European Commissioner Thierry Breton who threatened to ban X in the EU ahead of Elon Musk’s Space with Trump has now resigned. Ursula von der Leyen told Macron that she didn’t want Breton in the Commission. Breton was one of the main advocates for online censorship.

Russia and Ukraine

@KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky denounced a recent apparent assassination attempt on Donald Trump. “I am glad to hear that Donald Trump is safe and unharmed. My best wishes to him and his family,” Zelensky said on X.

Russia and Ukraine

@visegrad24: Hundreds of Moroccan illegal migrants gathered by the border fence with Ceuta yesterday in an attempt to cross into Spain illegally. The attempts to storm the border continued into the night. 🇪🇸

Russia and Ukraine

Кремль ответил URA.RU на вопрос о скандальном видео, по которому Белоусов начал разбирательства

Читайте на URA.RU

Russia and Ukraine

@visegrad24: Today is the 2nd anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s murder by the Islamic Regime in Iran. The young woman had shown on many occasions that she refused to accept the Mullah regime and to cover herself with the veilIt made her a target for the “morality police.” They beat her to death

Russia and Ukraine

@ZelenskyyUa: Радий дізнатися, що Дональд Трамп у безпеці та не постраждав. Найкращі побажання йому та його родині. Добре, що підозрюваного в спробі замаху швидко затримали. Наш принцип: верховенство права понад усе, і політичному насильству немає місця ніде у світі. Щиро сподіваємося, що всі