Russia and Ukraine

Battle for Pokrovsk: Why is Russia so rapt with this Ukrainian town?

Kyiv’s surprise incursion into Kursk hasn’t changed Russia’s plans and strategic priorities. Moscow is still primarily focused on capturing Pokrovsk and advancing in eastern Ukraine.

Putin and Putinism

Putin wants Russia’s youth to become ultranationalist patriots. Many are all in. – The Washington Post

Putin wants Russia’s youth to become ultranationalist patriots. Many are all in.  The Washington Post

Russia and Ukraine

@GlasnostGone: Russia’s evil never ends. Today in #Ukraine’s northern Sumy region, Russia struck a five-story nursing home for the elderly. At least one person is reported killed & 12 wounded. 147 elderly people had to be evacuated.…

Russia’s evil never ends. Today in #Ukraine’s northern Sumy region, Russia struck a five-story nursing home for the elderly. At least one person is reported killed & 12 wounded. 147 elderly people had to be evacuated.…

Russia and Ukraine

@GlasnostGone: You mean… grifter Farage will not hold face-to-face surgeries, out of fear his constitutes may ask him to earn his MP salary.

Russia and Ukraine

@KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Russia mining dams in Belgorod Oblast, Ukraine’s military claims. Russia is placing explosives at dams in its own Belgorod Oblast, possibly to stage provocations and accuse Ukraine of causing environmental damage, a military spokesperson claimed.…

Russia and Ukraine

@KyivIndependent: Ukraine’s strikes on Russia’s fuel industry have diminished its oil refining capabilities and boosted Ukrainians’ morale, but have yet to make strategic difference in the fight against the Kremlin, writes business reporter @DomCulv.…

Russia and Ukraine

@KyivIndependent: ⚡️Russia aims to increase drone production tenfold in 2024, Putin claims. Russia is planning to increase drone production “almost ten times” this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed on Sept. 19, Kremlin-controlled Interfax news agency reported.…

Russia and Ukraine

@KyivIndependent: Ukraine’s parliament voted to approve a tax hike for the first time since the full-scale war broke out, turning to a politically unpopular move as the country continually struggles to find new sources of funding for its growing wartime budget.…

Russia and Ukraine

@visegrad24: BREAKING: Russia bombs a nursing home for the elderly in Sumy. Many elderly Ukrainians wounded, 1 killed

BREAKING: Russia bombs a nursing home for the elderly in Sumy. Many elderly Ukrainians wounded, 1 killed

Russia and Ukraine

@ZelenskyyUa: 138 спортсменів у 17 видах спорту – кожен і кожна. Всі, хто на Паралімпійських іграх у Парижі розширив географію українських перемог, приніс Україні надзвичайно надихаючий результат: 82 медалі – 22 золотих, 28 срібних та 32 бронзових. Дякую вам за цю вашу силу, за це ваше