Putin and Putinism

Putin proposes new rules for Russia using nuclear weapons –

Putin proposes new rules for Russia using nuclear weapons

Putin and Putinism

Putin proposes new rules for Russia using nuclear weapons –

Putin proposes new rules for Russia using nuclear weapons

Putin and Putinism

Putin proposes new rules for Russia using nuclear weapons –

Putin proposes new rules for Russia using nuclear weapons

Putin and Putinism

Putin proposes new rules for Russia using nuclear weapons –

Putin proposes new rules for Russia using nuclear weapons

Russia and Ukraine

Russia-Ukraine war live: Volodymyr Zelenskyy set to address UN general assembly – The Guardian

Russia-Ukraine war live: Volodymyr Zelenskyy set to address UN general assembly  The Guardian

Russia and Ukraine

Russia-Ukraine war live: Kremlin says plan to force Russia into peace a fatal mistake ahead of Zelenskyy’s speech to the UN – The Guardian

Russia-Ukraine war live: Kremlin says plan to force Russia into peace a fatal mistake ahead of Zelenskyy’s speech to the UN  The Guardian

Russia and Ukraine

@MoscowTimes: Despite initial reports of his arrest after the deadly shooting in Moscow last week, on Friday, Vladislav Bakalchuk said he had been released from police custody and returned home.

Russia and Ukraine

Министр Белоусов сделал заявление о второй волне мобилизации в России

Министерство обороны России официально опровергло слухи о возможной новой волне мобилизации.

Russia and Ukraine

What Is Zelensky’s ‘Victory Plan’ for Ukraine’s War With Russia?

In an interview with The New Yorker published on Sunday, Mr. Zelensky said Mr. Biden refusing to endorse the plan is “a horrible thought.”. “It would mean that Biden doesn’t want to end …

Russia and Ukraine

What Is Zelensky’s ‘Victory Plan’ for Ukraine’s War With Russia?

In an interview with The New Yorker published on Sunday, Mr. Zelensky said Mr. Biden refusing to endorse the plan is “a horrible thought.”. “It would mean that Biden doesn’t want to end …