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Michael Novakhov on FBI: The FBI #FBI errors are #SYSTEMIC, chronic, persistent, very likely are fueled by the ROT from within: treachery. This is the greatest threat to US Security. FBI tries to hide errors & continues their criminal protection racket on America. INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS IN DEPTH! |Opinion | It Is Too Late to Save the FBI With a Reform – Letter – WSJ

 Michael Novakhov’s favorite articles on Inoreader

The FBI #FBI errors are #SYSTEMIC, chronic, persistent, very likely are fueled by the ROT from within: treachery.
This is the greatest threat to US Security. FBI tries to hide errors & continues their criminal protection racket on America. INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS IN DEPTH!

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 7, 2022

The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –

#FBI FBI plants the “CRAZY TWEETS”, like the one quoted, often right after my tweets TO DISCREDIT the legitimate and rational criticism of them, to make the critical tweets look crazy by association. These hypocrites monitor web very closely but deny this!

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 7, 2022

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The FBI absorbed all the basest, the lowest features of the human nature and characters, and they use it as the WEAPON against the ordinary people; it satisfies their sick, self-protective lust for POWER. 


Dismantle this criminal organization!

The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
Images of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia wearing heavy makeup have been banned after the government deemed them “extremist.” 

Images of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia wearing heavy makeup have been banned after the government deemed them “extremist.”Credit…Denis Doyle/Getty Images

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#Putin – Mr. Putin:

MRuGA: Make Russia Gay Again!

SEXUALITY is at the very core of HUMAN SOUL, the Humans are Animals, most and first of all, not the soulless robots-automatons. 

To deny or prohibit the legal types of sexual behaviors, in all their variations is to deny the Soul itself.

Homophobia is your problem on the personal level, and Russia’s problem on the State level. 

Both of you are very sick. 

#homophobia#Putin#Russia‘s sick obsession with homophobia acquiring ideological-cosmic-idiotic dimensions under Putin, while it is not an issue now in the most European countries; points to the deeply rooted, unexplored yet but very clear (Semi-)Fascism

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 7, 2022

#homophobia#Putin#Russia‘s sick obsession with homophobia acquiring ideological-cosmic-idiotic dimensions under Putin, while it is not an issue now in the most European countries; points to the deeply rooted, unexplored yet but very clear (Semi-)Fascism

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 7, 2022

#Putin#Russia‘ sick obsession with #homophobia acquiring ideological-cosmic-idiotic dimensions under Putin, while it is not an issue now in the most European countries; points to the deeply rooted, unexplored yet sufficiently but very clear (Semi-)Fascism

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 6, 2022

The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –

The #FBI – FBI is the greatest threat to the mental health of the US as the country and the nation. They deliberately drive America crazy, e.g. with COINTELPRO which they continue to practice broadly, without any records and accountability. INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS IN DEPTH!

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 9, 2022

#FBI FBI destroyed the mental health field by turning its practitioners into their informants & warehousing the mentally ill into the state facilities as the alternatives to prisons.
FBI uses this field as their tool of the social control. INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS IN DEPTH!

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 9, 2022

The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
FBI as the CASTE and as the CLASS, call them “The Roaches” or “The Pinkertons”

posted on Dec 14 2022 16:18:37 UTC (updated on Wed Dec 14, 2022 17:15) by Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) via My Opinion – The News And Times

The FBI (and the “stasi-s’ everywhere) became a Hereditary CASTE and a particular “SECURITY” CLASS (call them “The Roaches” or “The Pinkertons”). They are stupid, rigid, vicious, vindictive, losers, very practical and down to Earth, “survivors”. They want to control everything and to run the show. Destroy the FBI as the CASTE and as the CLASS!

FBI as the CASTE and as the CLASS – “The Pinkertons”:
They are stupid, rigid, vicious, vindictive, losers, very practical and down to Earth, “survivors”. They want to control everything and to run the show.
Destroy the FBI as the CASTE and as the CLASS!

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 14, 2022

The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –

Jan. 8, 2023 10:40 am ET


William McGurn asks “Can the FBI be reformed?” in “Let an FBI Agent Lead the FBI” (Main Street, Jan. 3). He points to politicization of the top jobs as the cause of the bureau’s recent shameful record. While it may be true that a fish rots from the head down, at this point the entire body is rotten. Despite his repetition of the mantra that “the overwhelming majority of agents are professional investigators who do their jobs without regard to politics,” most Americans no longer trust the bureau to do the right thing. Why? Because during a decade of blatant civil-rights violations and circumventions of the Constitution, the number of rank-and-file agents who stood up as whistleblowers can be counted on one hand.

To answer Mr. McGurn’s question: No, the FBI cannot be reformed. The time has come to dismantle the organization, make sure its current employees are deemed no longer fit for service in any capacity that requires public trust, and start over. Until then, the American public will be correct in suspecting that the FBI is no longer on its side. They aren’t the good guys anymore.

Christopher Stephens

New York

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Opinion | It Is Too Late to Save the FBI With a Reform

posted on Jan 08 2023 16:18:27 UTC by Michael_Novakhov via Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠
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