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Erdoğan congratulates Azerbaijani counterpart Aliyev on election win

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan congratulated Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev on the election win on Wednesday, according to Azerbaijan in Focus, reporting Daily Sabah.

Azerbaijanis voted in a snap presidential election on Wednesday, with a fifth term for Aliyev.

President Erdoğan called Aliyev to congratulate him and express best wishes for the Azerbaijani people following the elections, the Presidential Communications Directorate said.

Aliyev secured 93.9%, the U.S.-based Oracle Advisory Group’s representative George Brinbaum said in a news briefing in the capital Baku after voting concluded at 7 p.m. local time (1500GMT).

Aliyev’s closest competitor, independent candidate Zahid Oruj, received a mere 1.8%, according to the results.

About 6.5 million people were eligible to vote in the election, including those abroad.

The last presidential election, which is held every seven years in Azerbaijan, was on April 11, 2018. A decree signed by Aliyev late last year moved the vote forward from its initial date in October 2025.

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