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Donald Trump gets mercilessly booed during disastrous attempt at a speech

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When Donald Trump lost about half a billion dollars yesterday and then announced he would be giving a speech today at a sneaker convention, it reeked of desperation. A broke Trump is now reduced to hawking shoes?

Also, Trump can’t do this kind of thing. These days Trump’s babysitters always put him in front of adoring cult audiences who are going to cheer him on no matter how senile his speech ends up being. They never put him in front of a mainstream real world audience these days. Sure enough, Trump’s attempt at a real world speech today went like this:

Trump is getting LOUDLY booed while speaking at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia.

Way to go Philly!

— Luke Beasley (@lukepbeasley) February 17, 2024


Two things stand out. First, Trump must be really broke if his handlers now have him doing these kinds of disastrously embarrassing gigs just to try to make a buck. Second, Trump didn’t seem like himself at all. When he used to get a smattering of boos at 2016 Republican primary debates, he’d respond combatively. When Trump got booed today, he just sort of passively folded. Trump is fading further from his old self as his mind continues to wither away.

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