Russia - Ukraine war

On the home front: inside the 7 June Guardian Weekly

Volodymyr Zelenskiy, an exclusive interview. Plus Swiftonomics

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In a week that saw Volodymyr Zelenskiy visit four EU countries at what feels like a pivotal moment in his country’s war with Russia, Ukraine’s president gave an hour of his time to the Guardian for an interview led by editor-in-chief Katharine Viner. Zelenskiy warned that US delays to approval for weapons use are costing lives, discussed how he is planning for a possible return of Donald Trump to the White House and gave fascinating insights into life as the leader of a state under attack. Despite the bleak military situation around Ukraine’s second city, Kharkhiv, Zelenskiy was relaxed, even humorous, as he outlined the domestic pressures and his urgent but careful diplomacy as he presses Ukraine’s case for continued western support.

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