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Russian Foreign Ministry: USA intends to open a “second front” in the South Caucasus


30.12.2023, Moscow.

The United States intends to use the South Caucasus as a foothold for opening a “second front,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin said, RIA Novosti informed on December 30.

“Washington has long made no secret of the fact that it considers the South Caucasus as a foothold for opening a ‘second front’ against Russia,” he said. According to the deputy minister, the US intention “fundamentally contradicts the genuine interests of the peoples of the region.”

In September 2023, joint military exercises Eagle Partner 2023 with the USA began in Armenia. Against this background, Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) is being transferred to Azerbaijan. At the same time, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan declared at the beginning of his rule in 2018-2019 that “Artsakh is Armenia, and that’s it!”.

There is conflict in Georgia between the country’s president, Salome Zurabishvili, and the ruling parliamentary party Georgian Dream, from which she was elected to office. Zurabishvili is fully oriented towards the West and the United States and categorically opposes Georgia’s neutral stance towards Russia’s ongoing Russia’s special military operation.

The USA repeatedly expressed threats against Iran, accusing the country’s authorities of supporting the Houthis.

US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham earlier said that the Houthis had oil fields and the headquarters of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which one can see from space.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency