Selected Articles

It looks like a nice, quiet graveyard. The #FBI should rest there in peace … The FBI-s and the Stasi-s everywhere became a Hereditary CASTE and a particular “SECURITY” CLASS: Call them “The Roaches” or “The Pinkertons.

 It looks like a nice, quiet graveyard. 

The #FBI should rest there in peace after the coming Church style Congressional Investigations of its many crimes and treacheries.
Put the FBI criminals in prison!

Square profile picture

Dec 25, 2022
The #FBI wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season!

Happy Holidays from the Federal Bureau of Investigation


The #FBI and the Stasi everywhere became a Hereditary CASTE and a particular “SECURITY” CLASS: Call them “The Roaches” or “The Pinkertons. They are stupid, rigid, vicious, vindictive, losers, very practical and down to Earth, “survivors”. They want to control everything and to run the show.
Destroy the FBI as the CASTE and as the CLASS!
I think that the FBI #FBI main problem is that they are heavily and artfully penetrated by the foreign intelligence services, mostly by Germans, Russians, and their allies. Other factors, the leading among them the “class” (or more precisely the absence of it), are relatively secondary. The ability of the FBI’s IAD to deal with this creatively and efficiently is questionable. fbi internal affairs division –… Selected Tweets on FBI – Part 1: December 26, 2022 – 2/15/2021: It looks like a nice, quiet graveyard. The #FBI should rest there in peace after the coming Church style Congressional Investigations of its many crimes and treacheries. INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS IN DEPTH! Put the FBI criminals in prison! Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) 12/17/2023 07:47:00 AM
The FBI #FBI errors are #SYSTEMIC, chronic, persistent, very likely are fueled by the ROT from within: treachery. This is the greatest threat to US Security. FBI tries to hide errors & continues their criminal protection racket on America. INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS IN DEPTH!
My Opinion: #FBI does not protect America, it runs #ProtectionRackets on #America with its #ManufacturedPlots. “Instead of pursuing a political agenda, the FBI should focus like a laser on … the #CriminalJustice relief our #nation desperately needs.”
Putin’s money, American Politics, and the FBI: “The United States still has great capacity to be its own worst enemy”: FBI #FBI suffers from the CHRONIC LACK OF BRAINS AND FINESSE. Solution: transfer the COUNTERINTELLIGENCE duties to #ODNI. Defending the United States against Russian dark money | GOP Midterms 2022 gains in Southern Brooklyn NY: Analysis and Reflections: What is behind the Republican surge in the Russian speaking South Brooklyn? Putin’s money?
#FBI: Nothing fills me with more disgust and revulsion than the FBI=KGB. Norman Mailer called them “a church for the real mediocre”. It is more than that. Most of them are envious, vicious, and low. They wallow in their lowness. This is their philosophy of human nature. They turned America into the Secret Police State, while being utterly unable to deal with the security issues. They have to be studied, investigated and eventually dismantled and destroyed. They are the big problem, not a solution. They are the real threat to America!
Do not go overboard with this FBI “diversification”. The major selection criterion is the candidate’s unique qualifications; not the race, or gender, or anything else. FBI is whom it hires. They need extensive and good training and continuing education. Bad FBI agents is the bad FBI.
FBI’s institutional psychology and modus operandi are based on the mentality of the REFORMED PETTY CRIMINAL, who feels called to fight the “real criminals”, because they are his Alter Ego, and the G-men feel uniquely qualified to catch those thieves because they are the thieves themselves, in addition to posing as plumbers and multiple other covers.
Investigate the Investigators!
FBI News Review Links: and |
#FBI = #KGB – FBI = KGB! And that’s the fact. The FBI is the collective YOU: willfully blind + sociopaths + well masked criminals. Investigate the Investigators!
#MyOpinion – My Opinion: The #FBI is not able to conduct CI work, it staffed with brainless psychopaths & the B actors-pretenders. “Trust is the currency that enables successful FBI investigations …” What should become of the FBI? – The Capitol Riot Report – The News And Times
My Opinion: The Investigations of #Trump will inevitably lead to the investigation of the #FBI. Their antagonisms are just a cover, a complex plot . INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS, and the Trumpistas among them especially. Reform or abolish the FBI, before they produce their next #Trumpushka!
My Opinion #My Opinion #FBI | FBI is the half-criminal gang of the half-literate psychopaths. The only thing they care about is their own well-being, not the country. It is the army of the hired thugs. FBI destroys #America, they are the huge problem, not a solution.
#DOJ DOJ: Investigate the FBI! My Opinion: It is the #AmericanGestapo & the #AmericanKGB; very sick, dysfunctional, criminal organization, staffed with psychopaths. #FBI manipulated and planted evidence!!!
10:44 AM 9/20/2022 – The #FBI FBI agents’ job is to investigate, not to produce the broad overreaching political assessments. – MY OPINION #MYOPINION
My Opinions: Establish the brand new elite Counterintelligence Service under the full control of ODNI and NCSC. | “A climate of acceptance of #violence” is the direct result of the FBI own tactics against the #People of #America. In other words, you got what you deserve. Every (“Unleashed and Unaccountable”) dog must have its day. | #FBI does not protect America, it runs #ProtectionRackets on #America with its #ManufacturedPlots. | The politicized (under Bush) #MISINVESTIGATION OF 911 IS THE #FBI-FBI’S PRIMAL SIN & continuing problem. REINVESTIGATE 911!
The politicized (under Bush) #MISINVESTIGATION OF 911 IS THE #FBI-FBI’S PRIMAL SIN & continuing problem. #MyOpinion-My Opinion: #KGB-KGB, #STASI-STASI & the #NewAbwehr-New Abwehr are out of the picture. The “Patriot Act” after 911 became the major attack on US Democracy. #REINVESTIGATE 911!
#MyOpinion: PEOPLE’S #RAGE AGAINST the #FBI is much deeper and more complex than #LeftRightDivide & #MarALagoRaid, which was only a catalyst. “A climate of acceptance of #violence” is the direct result of the FBI own tactics against the #People of #America. | Once Hated By The Left, FBI Is Now US Conservatives’ Evil Demon
#FBI FBI “What #MassShooters Often Have in Common”? #MyOpinion: 1. Addiction to violent videogames 2. Manipulations by (secret) handler(s) 3. Telling Names as Criminal Signatures 4. Often suicide after shooting 5. Possible hidden shooters 6. Publicity
The Questionable Legality Of The Child Pornography Laws – My Opinion – 5:28 PM 9/6/2022
The News And Times BlogThe Questionable Legality Of The Child Pornography Laws: What Factors Determine How Child Pornography is Prosecuted? | #FBI-FBI: Who assigned the roles of #God or demi-Gods to you? Why do you think, you can charge people with crimes that are poorly defined, such as the #ChildPornography, which allows the broad discretion i
Michael Novakhov-@mikenov: #FBI is the greatest threat to American Democracy. Reform, break up, or abolish it. #US #Congress: INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS! FBI is the #criminal, #rotten, #sick, #incompetent organization, the #AmericanKGB! | FBI agents monitor social media. As domestic threats rise, the question is who they’re watching | Selected Articles – 5:36 AM 9/2/2022
We need the objective studies of the FBI – #FBI: What is this animal? What are its structure, culture, the perceived mission, psychology, mentality, moda operandi; place, roles, & effects on Society? We need the TRUTH.
#FBI FBI #IntelligenceSecurityServices collected all the knowledge about the deepest #dirt of #HumanBehavior & converted this knowledge into their #skills, #tools, and #ManipulationLevers. They see & call this giant historical Human Mental Waste Management System as their “craft”
#ObamasFBI was called “#UnleashedandUnaccountable” by #ACLU – GS. But it remains the same dog, stupid & vicious. Get better dogs & leashes. Get several good dogs, make them compete with each other. Send the laggards like #FBI to the Animal Shelter!
#FBI: A Society in which one half spies on another is a #SickSociety. Stop the #Spying, often unneeded. The FBI Crisis & Incompetence (+ Hansen-s) exposed by 911, had deepened. Lawmakers have to clarify & codify the concepts & precepts of efficient & healthy #DomesticSecurity.
FBI-#FBI: People do not trust you, and you do not deserve their trust. And you cannot buy it with money wasted on lying and manipulative informants. You just breed PSYCHOPATHS by rewarding treachery and deceit. You drive America crazy with Cointelpro.
Does the FBI pursue the HYPOTHESIS and the LEADS of the Russian Intelligence origins of the U.S. domestic terrorism? | #Putin wages the #HybridWar against the #US, including mass & school shootings (GS), various Performance Crimes, staged accidents; aiming to terrorize, to intimidate, to confuse, to force to submit. A Special PsyOp. | Capitol Riot of January 6 2021, Russia, Putin, Russian Intelligence, GRU | “Mr. Bausman attended a 2015 conference hosted by RT, a news channel tied to the Kremlin.” | Look into his eyes. Do you see the big Three Letters there? I do: K-G-B.
Has the FBI become a threat to democracy? – via My answer: Yes, most definitely it did. FBI=KGB! Reform the FBI! Fire the nincompoops!
The FBI and the Mental Health: The #FBI – FBI is the greatest threat to the mental health of the US as the country and the nation. They deliberately drive America crazy, e.g. with COINTELPRO which they continue to practice broadly, without any records and accountability. INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS IN DEPTH! | #FBI FBI destroyed the mental health field by turning its practitioners into their informants & warehousing the mentally ill into the state facilities as the alternatives to prisons. FBI uses this field as their tool of the social control. INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS IN DEPTH!
Selected Tweets on FBI – Part 1: December 26, 2022 – 2/15/2021: It looks like a nice, quiet graveyard. The #FBI should rest there in peace after the coming Church style Congressional Investigations of its many crimes and treacheries. INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS IN DEPTH! Put the FBI criminals in prison!
The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –