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The Hypothesis of Israeli Interference in the US Elections 2016

The Hypothesis of Israeli Interference in the US Elections 2016: Mossad collected various US government emails for years prior to 2016 with the help of its many human assets. During 2016 campaign it released the Clintons emails via various “Leaks”, in the attempt to portray her as “unreliable” and to hurt her election chances. In the process it developed various covers, mostly Russia, with whom it had the agreement to cooperate. Jared Kushner the agent of Mossad, adapted their algorithms for the US elections. And finally, it orchestrated the October Surprise 2016: it set up Anthony Weiner and inserted Clinton’s emails into his laptop, in the attempt to portray Huma Abedin as treacherous. It coordinated closely with the “Trump-Land” FBI via James Kallstrom and Charles McGonigal, who was set up later for a fall guy, in addition to many others previously. The US Government should investigate this and the related hypotheses carefully, and the findings should be published after the proper investigations, filling out the white spots, which will be good for both the US and Israel. These arrogant, stab in the back, Mossad shenanigans have to stop! 

Michael Novakhov 

5:43 AM 1/17/2024


Israeli Interference in the US Elections 2016 – GS

The Candidate and the Spy: James Bamford on Israel's Secret Collusion with  Trump to Win 2016 Race - YouTube

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Uploaded: Mar 24, 2023·62K Views·2.12K Likes
In his new book, _Spyfail: Foreign Spies, Moles, Saboteurs, and the Collapse of America’s Counterintelligence_, investigative journalist James Bamford reveals that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin …
Redacted FBI document hints at Israeli efforts to help Trump in 2016  campaign | The Times of Israel

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