Russia - Ukraine war

China could arrange Russia-Ukraine peace conference, Lavrov tells RIA – Saltwire

China could arrange Russia-Ukraine peace conference, Lavrov tells RIA  Saltwire

Russia - Ukraine war

China could arrange Russia-Ukraine peace conference, Lavrov tells RIA – Yahoo News UK

China could arrange Russia-Ukraine peace conference, Lavrov tells RIA  Yahoo News UK

Russia News

Blinken pledges US support for Moldova amid rising Russian threats – Voice of America – VOA News

Blinken pledges US support for Moldova amid rising Russian threats  Voice of America – VOA News

Russia News

Землетрясение произошло у берегов Тайваня


Подземные толчки магнитудой 5,3 произошли у восточного побережья Тайваня. Об этом сообщило Центральное метеорологическое управление острова.

Russia News

US ready to ‘adapt and adjust’ if Ukraine uses its weapons to attack inside Russia – Firstpost

US ready to ‘adapt and adjust’ if Ukraine uses its weapons to attack inside Russia  Firstpost

Russia - Ukraine war

US ready to ‘adapt and adjust’ if Ukraine uses its weapons to attack inside Russia – Firstpost

US ready to ‘adapt and adjust’ if Ukraine uses its weapons to attack inside Russia  Firstpost

Russia News

Global South considers increasing de-dollarization, but Trump wants to punish those who reduce dependence on US … – Brasil de Fato

Global South considers increasing de-dollarization, but Trump wants to punish those who reduce dependence on US …  Brasil de Fato

Russia - Ukraine war

Global South considers increasing de-dollarization, but Trump wants to punish those who reduce dependence on US … – Brasil de Fato

Global South considers increasing de-dollarization, but Trump wants to punish those who reduce dependence on US …  Brasil de Fato

Russia News

К тушению крупного пожара в Москве привлекли вертолет

Более 120 человек ликвидируют возгорание на востоке столицы.

Russia News

El Universal: в Мексике на предвыборном митинге застрелили кандидата в мэры

Сообщается, что неизвестный выстрелили в политика несколько раз.